Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week 15 NFL Panel

The year is dwindling down and the "Cazmanian Devil's" grip on the lead seems too much for anyone to overcome. Can "The Rob" make a last minute push?


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week 13 NFL Panel

Five weeks left and every gap is closing. 1st place may belong to Rick Caswell for a few more weeks, but a few more last place finishes will erase that quickly. It may help him that everyone's picks are getting very similar as the picture of who is legit and who isn't gets clearer.

P.S. No pictures because I left the file on another computer. It's not as pretty but it gets the job done.

Rick Caswell: 119-57
Jon Saia: 114-62
Bob Schreiner: 113-63
Rob Jentsch: 113-63
Kristina Rukavina: 109-67
Bobby Schreiner: 108-68
Katie Noone: 103-73

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jolly Roger Sports On Hiatus Till the New Year

In an attempt to revamp the blog and possibly finding a new host website, we'll be taking a break until the new year. I didn't want to do it during football season, but it will be nice to hopefully make the blog a little better and hopefully create more exposure.

While we're away, I will continue to post our NFL Panel since my panelists have decided to continue sending in their picks. I may throw a post up every now and again just for the heck of it, but don't expect to see too much for a little while.

In the meantime, I'd also like to add writers so please feel free to contact us if you'd like to come on board. You do not have to write about Pittsburgh sports. I will help you in creating a new blog to write about your favorite team and/or sports.

So to everyone, have a happy holiday season and hopefully we will be back sooner rather than later.

Thanks for all of your support!


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